ALiM term 2 and 3

 In term 2 I started an ALiM group with 4 students, 3 year 6 and 1 year 5 student. There was a major focus on Multiplicative Thinking for my group because that was the whole class focus for most of term 2. 

I used the Learning Progressions Framework to gauge some ideas of activities and where to base the learning at. I also took their 2020 GloSS data, as well as my overall teacher judgement on where they were at. 

Once we had finished the Mult/Div unit in class we moved on to algebra which I also focused on in the ALiM group. 

There was some great progress within the mult/div aspect of mathematics which was very pleasing. 3 of the 4 students made acceleration in the 10 weeks. 

In term 3 I have started the second ALiM group which is a group of 5 year 5 students. This group is focusing on fractions.


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