
Showing posts from March, 2022

Structured Literacy Webinars

 Recently I have completed t2 webinars on Structured Literacy. These were very beneficial to understand the overall ideas about SL and how the brain works. It gave a good insight into what we are doing and how this programme with benefit many of our students. 

Jumbo Day - In school

Yesterday we had a TOD which was going to be in Cromwell with all the other Area Schools in our Kahui Ako, however, for obvious reasons this was not going to happen. The day was based around Deep Learning and we had a keynote speaker - Joanne Quinn - who showed some deep learning examples from around the world. She focused on the four quadrants of Deep Learning and showed how this was done within the examples she showed.  Throughout the day we also had cohort group meetings and a school meeting with Joanne Barr who is our Core Facilitator this year.