
Showing posts from March, 2019

Jumbo Day - CoL

On Friday 22nd March I attended a Community of Learning Jumbo Day in Cromwell. The day was attended by all teachers from Roxburgh, Maniototo, Twizel and Lawrence Area Schools. We listened to Adrienne Buckingham from New Zealand Institute of Well Being. She talked about how to be grateful for things in our life to increase our well being. It was a very inspiring talk. After the talk we went into groups for our inquiry and wrote down some questions we thought we would be focusing on this year. I chose Student Agency and how to change students mindsets from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. In the afternoon we met up with our cohort groups which was a great time to chat about lots of things and ask questions that were important at the time. A really worthwhile day!

Run, Jump Throw Course (4/2/2019)

I attended the Run, Jump, Throw course in Balclutha as an athletics professional development. I found the course very useful and got some great ideas for activities and skills that need to be taught. It was great that we could purchase the manual with all the activities to use in the future.

Class Information Evening

On Tuesday 12th February we held our annual Class info evening. Mine doubled as a camp meeting which saw a vast increase in the number of attendees. I had about 12 parents in my time slot. This was a great opportunity to set out some expectations and give information about the running of the class.